idk if “tech” is the right place to put this but

i was researching affordable-ish upgrades to my current desktop speakers (edifier r1280t which aren’t amazing by any stretch but they were decent when i got them)

hard requirement max 6 inches wide. preferably lower, closer to 5.5" or so, this would allow me to lower my pc display height a tiny bit when i place them sideways


<> has good compiled objective data and comparisons sourced from high quality sources (audiosciencereview and erin’s audio corner, mainly)

neumi silk 4 vs micca rb42:

neumi silk 4 vs nht superzero 2.1:

neumi silk 4:

  • pretty flat, 2.8db deviation
  • (+) 4.7 tonality on a scale from -10 to +10
    • can be EQ’d to 5.87, add a subwoofer to get 7.39, sub+EQ = 8.28
  • (~) “neutral” response, less “flavorful” or “fun”
  • (-) response drops pretty sharply after about 14k – can get as low as -6db at 20k

micca rb42:

  • (~) “fun” due to more bass even if it is less clear than neumi silk 4 it generally extends further
  • 4.49 tonality on a scale from -10 to +10
    • can be eq’d to 6.77 or add a sub for 6.49, or both for 8.63
    • (+) eq’d it gets better than the neumi silk 4 by almost a whole point
  • also 2.8db deviation but not as flat or neutral throughout
    • (+) but it also doesn’t have the rolloff on the high end?
    • (-~) somewhat scooped mids but it’s like 2db or less once eq’d so not very apparent
    • sharp highs and bright, will also distort if you go too loud

nht superzero 2.1:

  • 3.4db deviation
    • (+) less flat on average but seems to stay closer to within +-3db once you extend past 5khz
  • 3.37 tonality, 5.0 eq, 6.7 sub, 8.1 eq+sub
  • (-) price. $250/pair compared to neumi silk 4 $150/pair

other considerations

  • micca mb42x g2 has been described as “warm and rich” vs the original mb42x which was “bright and lean”. anyway it’s 5.8" wide and $100/pair. no data.
  • kanto yu passive 4" – $180/pair and about 5.5" wide.
    • 2.9db deviation, 3.37 tonality (5.58 eq, 6.29 sub, 8.2 eq+sub)
    • wide dip at ~500hz, doesn’t look pretty… even when eq’d it has a dip at 4k
    • in general seems to have boosted mids but that can be eq’d out for something kinda “clear and neutral”
  • psb alpha p3 – $249/pair, 5.125" wide
    • supposedly better options for the price. could be good speakers but bad value
    • (~) somewhat “dark” due to wide scoop in mids between 3.7k and 7.7k?
    • (-) also SHARP dropoff after 16.5k (like -18db at 20k even when eq’d)
    • 4.2db deviation, 3.29 tonality, 5.81 sub, 5.34 eq, 7.71 sub+eq
    • really does seem like other speakers are better in same price range but idk it might have better response if you’re into that sort of thing (“dark”)
  • dali spektor 1 – $350/pair idk the exact size but it seems to be not worth the price. even eq’d it dips around 4k and can’t stay within +-3db very well. big treble boost when not eq’d (like +4.5db)
  • dayton audio b40 – $50/pair, 5.5" wide, seems like a bargain if it’s good but no data available to suggest it actually is good. no reviews on amazon, just a reddit post which describes them as “they definitely sound like $50, but like a really good $50”. idk, skip.
  • audioengine p4 $249/pair 5.5" wide. random commenters describe it as dull and muddy, others say it’s not that bad, the only thing that really stands out to me is that the proper reviews seem to be from 2009/2010 so it’s very possible that better stuff has come out since.
  • edifier p17 $140/pair 5" wide. no data.


idk i think it comes down to neumi silk 4 or micca rb42. rb42 seems like it could be better with eq+sub, and probably the “fun” sound would possibly be more enjoyable than the “flat”/“neutral” of the silk 4, but the neumi also doesn’t distort like the micca. so even with that high-end rolloff i’m still leaning neumi.