exclude your own followers? send to someone else’s followers? send to a room?

[tldr i should choose if i want my reply to go to my followers, or their followers, or just them, or all of the above, or whatever]

  1. alice makes a post and sends it to her followers or whatever. optionally it can be made available to the public?

  2. bob replies to alice, they send that to alice only, and maybe optionally to bob’s followers. this should be up to the user (bob).

  3. alice can then choose to redistribute that reply. this should be up to the recipient (alice) and also this should be made clear to the replier (bob).

note that alice might allow bob’s replies to be automatically redistributed, if alice trusts bob.

  • bob may not want his reply to be redistributed though? so there should be a way for bob to signal that bob is okay with alice forwarding bob’s message to alice’s followers. perhaps by explicitly addressing alice’s followers? bob might also make his reply explicitly anonymous and transient by using id: null or not providing id. either way, this should be an explicit decision